2022.08.29 12:45Nation

G7外相会合、軽井沢で調整 財務相・中銀総裁は新潟市


2022.08.29 12:45Nation

Japan Eyeing G-7 Foreign Chiefs' Meeting in Karuizawa

Japan is discussing a plan to hold a Group of Seven foreign ministers' meeting in the town of Karuizawa, Nagano Prefecture, central Japan, during its rotating G-7 presidency next year, Japanese government sources revealed Monday.
   The government is also thinking of hosting a meeting of G-7 finance ministers and central bank chiefs in the city of Niigata, the capital of the central Japan prefecture of Niigata.
   Formal decisions on the venues will be reached soon.
   The two meetings will be held prior to the 2023 G-7 summit, which will take place in the western Japan city of Hiroshima in May.
   The Japanese government currently plans to hold 10 or more ministerial meetings related to the Hiroshima summit.


