3遺体引き渡し、9月にも ロシア側から連絡―知床沈没事故
北海道・知床半島沖で26人が乗った観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」が沈没した事故で、北方領土・国後島とロシア・サハリンで見つかった乗船者とみられる3人の遺体を日本側に引き渡すことで日ロ両政府が合意したことが27日、海上保安庁への取材で分かった。9月にも引き渡される見通し。
3 Bodies Found after Boat Sinking to Be Handed Over to Japan
The Japanese and Russian governments have agreed that Moscow will hand over to the Japanese side three bodies found after the fatal sinking of a Japanese tour boat, it was learned Saturday.
The bodies, found on Kunashiri, one of four Russian-controlled northwestern Pacific islands claimed by Japan, or the Russian Far East island of Sakhalin, are likely to be transferred to Japan in September at the earliest, according to sources in the Japan Coast Guard.
On Tuesday night, the Russian side notified the Japanese side through diplomatic channels of the plan to hand over the bodies, the sources said.
A JCG ship will visit a port in Korsakov in Sakhalin in September or later to pick up the bodies, according to the sources.
The Kazu I tour boat sank off the Shiretoko Peninsula in the northernmost Japan prefecture of Hokkaido on April 23, leaving 14 of the 26 passengers and crew members dead and the 12 others missing.