LGBTの服装「自由を保障」 東京都港区、全国初の条例改正へ
Tokyo's Minato Ward to Ensure LGBT People's Right to Self-Expression
Tokyo's Minato Ward plans to revise its gender equality ordinance to guarantee lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, or LGBT, people's right to freedom of self-expression in personal appearance.
The ward plans to review, among other things, school uniform rules that currently require boys to wear pants and girls skirts in principle, allowing students to choose pants or skirts freely, informed sources said.
The ward plans to submit a draft of the amended ordinance to a regular session of its assembly in February, aiming to put the new ordinance into effect in April, according to the sources. Minato Ward will be the first Japanese municipality to guarantee LGBT people's right to freedom of self-expression in a local ordinance.
The revised ordinance will guarantee the right of all residents in Minato Ward and all people studying and working in the ward to wear everyday clothes or uniforms that they feel are right for them, and to put on makeup, regardless of their gender, the sources said.
The amended ordinance will also include the introduction of a system to treat LGBT couples in the same way that married heterosexual couples are the sources said. Similar systems are already in place in some other municipalities.