2022.08.25 18:35Nation

コロナ投薬、喫煙量が指標に 「1日20本×20年」目安―福井大


2022.08.25 18:35Nation

Smoking Amount Can Be Guide for Giving COVID-19 Drug: Japan Team

Cumulative smoking history can be used as an indicator for whether to administer a COVID-19 treatment drug to a novel coronavirus sufferer, according to a study by a joint research team of the University of Fukui and the central Japan prefecture of Fukui.
   The study found that one such indicator can be the Brinkman index, calculated by multiplying the number of cigarettes smoked per day by the number of years of smoking, standing at 400 or over. The figure is equivalent to smoking a pack of 20 cigarettes per day for 20 years.
   Finding out patients' cumulative smoking history can lead to early treatment of COVID-19 sufferers, according to the study.
   While smoking is widely believed to be one of the risk factors for causing severe COVID-19 symptoms, there had been no previous research reports in Japan about the association between smoking and coronavirus symptoms.
   The study was conducted between July 20, 2021, and November 9 in the same year, when the delta variant was dominant in Japan, covering 341 smokers in their 20s to 70s who were confirmed to be infected with the coronavirus in Fukui.


