2022.08.09 17:53Nation

「被爆体験者」認定を要望 岸田首相と面会―長崎


2022.08.09 17:53Nation

Nagasaki Groups Call for Expansion of Scope of Hibakusha Status

Four groups of hibakusha atomic bomb survivors in Nagasaki on Tuesday asked the Japanese government again to recognize as hibakusha people who experienced the U.S. atomic bombing of the southwestern city outside a state-designated area.
   Representatives from the four groups made the request to expand the scope of eligibility for hibakusha status in a meeting with Prime Minister Fumio Kishida at a Nagasaki hotel.
   Kishida said that the government plans to add some types of cancer to the diseases covered by a medical expenses assistance program for atomic bomb survivors without the status.
   "I'll get the health ministry to consider (the expansion) as early as possible," aiming to start supporting sufferers of the cancer in April next year, he said.
   The United States dropped atomic bombs on the western city of Hiroshima on Aug. 6, 1945, and on Nagasaki three days later in the closing days of World War II.


