2022.08.09 17:04Nation

都内タクシー、初乗り500円 国交省が値上げ案、11月にも


2022.08.09 17:04Nation

Japan Consumer Panel OKs 1st Taxi Fare Hike in 15 Years

Japan's Consumer Commission said Tuesday that it has accepted a transport ministry plan to raise taxi fares in Tokyo, in order to improve taxi drivers' work conditions and help cover rising fuel costs.
   Taxi fares will rise for the first time since 2007, other than at times when the consumption tax was raised.
   The ministry plan is expected to be implemented as early as November, after consultations within the government.
   The plan calls for revising the maximum starting fare from the current 420 yen for 1,052 meters to 500 yen for 1,096 meters and the additional fare from 80 yen per 233 meters to 100 yen per 255 meters.
   The revisions are designed to raise overall taxi fares by about 14 pct, the largest increase since 1989.


