厚生・国民年金とも黒字 積立金、初の200兆円台―21年度決算
Japan Public Pension Schemes Log Surpluses in FY 2021
Japan's "kosei nenkin" and "kokumin nenkin" public pension programs both marked surpluses for the second straight year in fiscal 2021 reflecting robust investment returns, the welfare ministry said Friday.
For the year that ended last March, the kosei nenkin program, mainly for corporate employees, logged 9,847.8 billion yen in surplus in market value-based accounting and the kokumin nenkin program, chiefly for the self-employed, 230.3 billion yen.
The combined balance of reserves under the public pension schemes topped 200 trillion yen for the first time ever thanks to continued growth in returns from investment of the reserves by the Government Pension Investment Fund.
Specifically, the GPIF logged a net investment income of 9,517.4 billion yen for kosei nenkin and 531.9 billion yen for kokumin nenkin, resuling in growth of 10,078.1 billion yen to 204,625.6 billion yen in combined outstanding reserves.
The total reserve balance is broken down to 194,061.5 billion yen for kosei nenkin and 10,564.2 billion yen for kokumin nenkin.