2020.01.03 18:37Nation

ゴーン被告、1人で住居出る 出国日の昼、防犯カメラに映像―東京地検など


2020.01.03 18:37Nation

Footage Shows Ghosn Leaving Tokyo Home Alone Sunday

Security camera footage shows that former Nissan Motor Co. Chairman Carlos Ghosn, who escaped to Lebanon from Japan late last month while on bail awaiting for trial over his suspected financial misconduct, left his house in Tokyo by himself around noon last Sunday (3 a.m. GMT), investigative sources said Friday.
   The Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office believes that Ghosn, 65, exited Japan, without approval from Japanese authorities, after this departure from the house, designated by Tokyo District Court as his residence during his release on bail. The office is carrying out an investigation into Ghosn's alleged violation of the immigration control law, the sources said.
   No image of Ghosn returning to the home or of a suspicious person was recorded in the security camera set up at the residence, according to the sources.
   Ghosn is believed to have left Japan aboard a private jet on the night of last Sunday, and the prosecutors office is probing the possibility of Ghosn heading for an airport after meeting with his collaborators somewhere following his departure from the Tokyo home.
   The office is examining materials confiscated from the house while checking footage from security cameras installed in areas near the house and along roads leading to an airport in cooperation with Tokyo's Metropolitan Police Department.


