2022.07.26 17:02Nation

上皇さま、右心不全と診断 「改善しつつある」―宮内庁


2022.07.26 17:02Nation

Emperor Emeritus Akihito Diagnosed with Heart Failure

Japanese Emperor Emeritus Akihito has been diagnosed with right heart failure, the Imperial Household Agency said Tuesday.
   The heart condition was discovered in an MRI scan taken Sunday at the University of Tokyo Hospital, the agency said.
   The 88-year-old former emperor has no subjective symptoms and is recovering after receiving treatment, the agency said.
   It said that the father of Emperor Naruhito gained weight between April and June, and that a blood test taken at the end of June found that he had high levels of B-type natriuretic peptide, or BNP, an indicator of heart failure.
   He was found to have a faulty valve between the right atrium and right ventricle of his heart.


