2022.07.21 20:31Nation

トップは「アベノミクス」 故安倍元首相の評価―時事世論調査


2022.07.21 20:31Nation

Abenomics Most Appreciated Achievement of Abe: Jiji Poll

Among the achievements of late former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the Abenomics reflationary policy mix is most appreciated by respondents in a Jiji press opinion poll released Thursday.
   The largest proportion of respondents, at 16.3 pct, chose "monetary easing and fiscal expansion under Abenomics" as the best achievement of Abe during his tenure as prime minister.
   "The strong relationship formed with former U.S. President Donald Trump" came next, picked by 14.2 pct, followed by 13.9 pct for "work style reform, such as the correction of long working hours."
   Meanwhile, 14.2 pct said there is nothing in particular to give high marks to.
   Among the respondents supporting the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, the largest share, or 19.4 pct, selected Abenomics.


