立民議員、ウクライナへ入国 渡航制限中、自民は抗議
CDP Lawmaker Visits Ukraine
Yosuke Suzuki, a lawmaker of the leading opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, has visited Ukraine despite a strict travel warning in place for the country being invaded by Russia, it has been learned.
Suzuki's visit "should not have happened, and it is very regrettable," Tsuyoshi Takagi, parliamentary affairs chief of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, told his CDP counterpart, Sumio Mabuchi, on Wednesday.
"We take it seriously and will consider our party's response after conducting a hearing" with Suzuki, Mabuchi said.
"I apologize for causing great trouble and concerns," Suzuki said in a statement. "I will provide the knowledge I obtained through the visit to people concerned and utilize it for making questions" at meetings of the Diet, Japan's parliament, he added.
Suzuki, a member of the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of the Diet, left Japan July 13 and entered Ukraine Friday night local time via Poland. He met with senior Ukrainian government officials in Kyiv.