2022.07.20 20:04Nation

医療対応「入管局長の裁量」 スリランカ女性死亡、国が反論―名古屋地裁


2022.07.20 20:04Nation

Japan Govt Rejects Claims over Death of Sri Lankan Detainee

The Japanese government Wednesday rejected plaintiffs' claims in a damages lawsuit over the death of Sri Lankan detainee Wishma Sandamali.
   "Decisions on what medical care should be given are left to the reasonable discretion of detention facility heads, and therefore there was no violation of obligations to exercise due care," the government said at the day's court hearing at Nagoya District Court.
   The civil case was brought by the bereaved family of Wishma, who died at age 33 in March last year at a detention facility of the Nagoya Regional Immigration Services Bureau.
   Wishma's health condition worsened quickly after she was taken to the facility. After throwing up repeatedly, she died without being provided with medical care such as drip infusion therapy or hospitalization.
   The family sought 156 million yen in damages from the government, claiming that the government detained the woman illegally and failed to provide necessary medical care.


