2022.07.17 07:13Nation

防衛費増へ「事項要求」容認 「新しい資本主義」で特別枠―23年度予算編成―政府


2022.07.17 07:13Nation

Japan to Allow Defense Budget Requests without Specific Amounts

The Japanese government plans to allow the Defense Ministry to make budget requests for fiscal 2023 without specifying the requested amounts, informed sources said Saturday.
   Under its budget request guidelines for the fiscal year starting in April next year, the government plans to approve the ministry's requests that only state items of spending, a method used when details of particular policies are not decided at the time ministries and agencies submit their budget requests for the coming fiscal year, the sources said.
   In recent cases, the government accepted requests that did not indicate the requested budget amounts for spending on measures against the novel coronavirus as it is difficult to predict the number of people getting infected with the virus.
   The government will adopt the budget request guidelines at a cabinet meeting by the end of this month at the earliest after discussions with the ruling camp.
   In its annual basic policy for economic and fiscal management adopted at a cabinet meeting last month, the government pointed out that each NATO member state is accelerating efforts to achieve a goal of raising the ratio of its defense budget to at least 2 pct of its gross domestic product.


