2022.07.16 12:00Nation

中越沖地震15年、冥福祈る 柏崎市の寺で慰霊法要―新潟


2022.07.16 12:00Nation

Memorial Service Held to Mourn Victims of 2007 Niigata Quake

A memorial service was held Saturday to mourn 15 people killed in a powerful earthquake that struck off the Chuetsu region in Niigata Prefecture, central Japan, 15 years ago.
   At 10:13 a.m. (1:13 a.m. GMT), the time when the 6.8-magnitude quake occurred on July 16, 2007, bereaved families and others offered silent payers for the victims. The temblor also left 2,346 people injured.
   The memorial service was held at Myogyoji temple in the Sea of Japan coastal city of Kashiwazaki, Niigata, where the 2007 earthquake registered upper 6 on the 10-notch Japanese seismic intensity scale.
   A bell tower at Myogyoji collapsed due to the quake but has now been rebuilt. At the day's memorial service, the bell was rung 15 times, or as many times as the number of victims, to mourn them.
   Osamu Shimojo, 75, a representative of the bereaved families who took part in the memorial service, said that 15 years went by very quickly.


