「ミサイル落下」と誤報 サイト上に訓練用記事―NHK
表示されたのは同日午前0時20分すぎで、「北朝鮮のミサイル 海に落下と推定 北海道襟裳岬の東約2000キロ」とする速報がサイトに掲載され、すぐに削除された。(2019/12/27-01:46)
NHK Misreports N. Korea Missile Firing
Japan Broadcasting Corp., or NHK, posted on its news website early Friday a false news bulletin reporting a North Korean missile falling into the sea.
Shortly past 12:20 a.m. (3:20 p.m. Thursday GMT), the public broadcaster falsely reported on the site that a missile launched by North Korea is estimated to have fallen into waters some 2,000 kilometers east of Cape Erimo in the northernmost Japan prefecture of Hokkaido.
The post was deleted soon.
In an NHK television news program later, an anchorperson offered an apology and said that the news bulletin in question was prepared for training purposes and that the reported content was not true.