2022.07.05 17:20Nation

「内密出産」の子、里親委託へ 慈恵病院、初事例で―熊本


2022.07.05 17:20Nation

Foster Parents to Raise Child after Confidential Birth in Japan

A child born in the first case of so-called confidential birth in Japan will be entrusted to foster parents, a hospital in Kumamoto Prefecture where the birth took place said Tuesday.
   Jikei Hospital in the city of Kumamoto said it received notification of the adoption plan from the municipal government on Monday. A municipal official told the hospital side that the child is expected to be raised in an environment equivalent to that of a home, according to the hospital.
   The child born under the hospital's own confidential birth system in December is currently at a nursery. The system "started without legal background and didn't work out well for a while," Takeshi Hasuda, director of the hospital, said at a press conference.
   He voiced hope that the adoption will be carried out smoothly for the interests of children to be born under the system in the future as well.
   In December 2019, Jikei Hospital announced the introduction of the confidential birth system, in which expectant mothers disclose their identities only to the hospital, to help dissuade women from giving birth alone at home or other places.


