2022.06.30 12:24Nation

自民追い風期待、野党は批判 参院選、異例の首相外遊【22参院選】


2022.06.30 12:24Nation

Kishida's Trip during Election Race Draws Mixed Reactions

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's latest overseas visit, an unusual thing to do during the official campaign period for a major national election, has drawn a mixed reaction from political parties.
   Kishida's Liberal Democratic Party hopes that the trip to Europe will give the ruling party a boost at the July 10 election for the House of Councillors, the upper chamber of parliament, as it serves as an opportunity to show Japan and the world Kishida's diplomatic skills.
   On the other hand, opposition parties have criticized Kishida for leaving the country without adequately tackling soaring prices.
   Kishida left Japan in the early hours of Sunday and attended a Group of Seven summit in Germany that ended Tuesday. He then moved to Spain to join a NATO summit before returning Japan on Thursday.
   The trip caused him to miss five days of the 18-day election campaign period. But he made the visit thinking that high-priority issues discussed at the international meetings, such as the Ukraine crisis and security problems related to China, are linked to Japan's national interest and the Upper House election.


