2022.06.23 23:26Nation

スペイン皇太子賞に坂茂さん 仮設住宅で避難民支援


2022.06.23 23:26Nation

Japan Architect Ban Wins Spain's Princess of Asturias Award

Japanese architect Shigeru Ban, 64, has been named the winner of the 2022 Princess of Asturias Award for Concord, Spain's Princess of Asturias Foundation said Thursday.
   The foundation recognized his work to design innovative shelters and temporary housing for evacuees displaced by natural disasters and armed conflicts.
   Ban developed shelters where privacy can be better protected than in existing ones. In 1995, he became adviser to the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees and created a nongovernmental organization in the hope of transforming the concept of temporary accommodations for emergency situations.
   Temporary accommodations adopting his designs were built for Rwandan refugees fleeing the 1994 massacre, evacuees affected by the 1995 Hanshin-Awaji earthquake in western Japan and Ukrainians displaced by Russia's ongoing aggression.


