2022.06.22 19:36Nation

配合飼料、1万円超値上げ 円安響き過去最大―7~9月期・全農


2022.06.22 19:36Nation

Japan Group to Raise Livestock Feed Prices by Record 11,400 Yen

Japan's National Federation of Agricultural Cooperative Associations, or Zen-Noh, said Wednesday it will raise the prices of compound feeds for livestock in July-September by a record 11,400 yen per ton on average from the previous quarter.
   Feed prices have been pushed up sharply by surges in the prices of corn and other feed grains following Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
   Prices of imported feeds have also been lifted by the yen's weakening against other major currencies, as well as rises in ocean freight fees reflecting higher crude oil prices.


