2022.06.20 19:45Nation

同性婚認めぬ規定「合憲」 札幌と判断分かれる―大阪地裁

 法務省民事局の話 婚姻に関する民法の規定が憲法に反するものではないとの国の主張が認められたものと受け止めている。(2022/06/20-19:45)

2022.06.20 19:45Nation

Osaka Court Backs Denial of Same-Sex Marriage

A court in western Japan rejected a damages claim by three same-sex couples against the state on Monday, finding that same-sex marriage being not allowed in the country is not unconstitutional.
   The ruling by Osaka District Court came after Sapporo District Court ruled in March last year that the current situation violates Article 14 of the Constitution, which ensures legal equality, although it, too, rejected such a damages claim.
   Similar lawsuits are also underway at district courts in Tokyo and the cities of Nagoya and Fukuoka.
   In the Osaka lawsuit, the couples, who live in Aichi, Kyoto and Kagawa prefectures, demanded 1 million yen per person in damages, claiming that the Constitution's Article 24, which guarantees freedom of marriage, should apply to same-sex couples, as well.
   The plaintiffs also argued that the situation in which same-sex couples cannot marry or receive benefits such as spousal tax deductions, as well as inheritance and other rights, violates Article 14.


