2022.06.19 19:35Nation


 森崎 和江さん(もりさき・かずえ=詩人、作家)15日午前0時15分、急性呼吸不全のため福岡県福津市の病院で死去、95歳。旧朝鮮(現韓国)出身。葬儀は近親者で済ませた。喪主は長男松石泉(まついし・いずみ)氏。

2022.06.19 19:35Nation

Noted Japanese Poet Morisaki Dies at 95

Noted Japanese poet and nonfiction writer Kazue Morisaki, known for her works about struggles of women, died of acute respiratory failure at a hospital in Fukutsu, Fukuoka Prefecture, southwestern Japan, on Wednesday. She was 95.
   Morisaki, born in Korea under Japanese rule, graduated from the predecessor of Fukuoka Women's University in 1947.
   Based in Fukuoka's Chikuho coal mine area, Morisaki worked with the late poet Gan Tanigawa and the late author Eishin Ueno to release a literary magazine in 1958. She also launched a magazine for exchanges among women the following year.
   She wrote a lot of works on struggles of women, including "Makkura" (Pitch-Dark) on female coal mine workers and "Karayuki-san," which refers to Japanese women who moved abroad to be sex workers.


