2022.06.19 19:26Nation

国内感染、新たに1万3160人 東京、前週比76人増―新型コロナ


2022.06.19 19:26Nation

Japan Confirms 13,160 New COVID-19 Cases

Japan confirmed 13,160 new cases of novel coronavirus infection Sunday, down by about 230 from a week before.
   New COVID-19 fatalities came to 10. The number of severely ill coronavirus patients rose by two from Saturday to 41, according to the health ministry.
   In Tokyo, 1,622 people tested positive for the virus Sunday, up by 76 from a week earlier.
   The seven-day average of new cases in the Japanese capital stood at 1,603, down 0.7 pct week on week. The number of COVID-19 patients with severe symptoms under the Tokyo metropolitan government's criteria remained at zero.


