石油・ガス分野でメタン削減 日米欧など合意―主要国会議
Japan, U.S., Others Vow to Cut Methane Emissions
Leaders of economies including Japan, the United States and the European Union agreed Friday to start efforts to strengthen emission cuts for methane, a type of greenhouse gas, in the oil and natural gas production process.
The agreement was reached at an online meeting of the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate, hosted by U.S. President Joe Biden and joined by leaders from over 20 economies, also including China.
According to the White House, the number of economies pledging to reduce methane emissions since last year has reached 120.
Of them, 13 economies, including Japan, the United States and the EU, saw flaring, a process of burning excess gas from refineries and gas fields, as problematic as it generates massive amounts of methane, and agreed to abolish flaring by 2030.
With a view to dealing with the crisis in Ukraine, which has been invaded by Russia, the leaders also discussed ways to promote cooperation in not only the energy sector but also many other fields, including automobiles, shipping, and agriculture.