2022.06.17 18:53Nation

細田議長、文春を提訴 セクハラ報道で名誉棄損

 週刊文春編集部の話 細田議長が公の場で一度も説明されないまま提訴に至ったことは残念に思います。記事は複数の証言、証拠に基づくもので、十分自信を持っており、裁判でセクハラの事実を明らかにしてまいります。(2022/06/17-18:53)

2022.06.17 18:53Nation

Lower House Speaker Sues Magazine over Sexual Harassment Reports

Hiroyuki Hosoda, speaker of the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of Japan's parliament, on Friday sued the publisher of Shukan Bunshun over the weekly magazine's reports about his alleged acts of sexual harassment.
   Hosoda filed a defamation lawsuit with Tokyo District Court, seeking 22 million yen in damages from the publisher, Bungeishunju Ltd.
   It is rare for an incumbent Lower House speaker to launch such a lawsuit.
   Hosoda also demands the publication of an apology in Shukan Bunshun and the deletion of the articles in question from its website.
   A lawyer representing Hosoda said that the articles gave a wrong impression of him to the general public and significantly damaged his public esteem.


