2019.12.24 18:47Nation

五輪準備「かなり順調」 来年の一字は「五」―小池都知事インタビュー




2019.12.24 18:47Nation

INTERVIEW: Gov. Koike Stresses Smooth Tokyo Olympics Preparations

Preparations for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics have been steadily under way, Yuriko Koike, governor of the Japanese capital, has said in an interview with Jiji Press.
   "We've been doing very well in the preparations" for the games, she said, referring to heat countermeasures that will be crucial to the Tokyo Games, to be held in July-September in the middle of summer.
   The Tokyo metropolitan government has been implementing measures, such as introducing heat-resistant pavement and creating shadow areas by allowing roadside trees to grow, Koike said.
   Although the venue of the marathon and race walk events in the Olympics has been changed to Sapporo in the northernmost Japan prefecture of Hokkaido, the marathon in the Paralympics will use the original course set in Tokyo, Koike noted.
   Koike said she wants local communities and shopping streets along the Paralympic marathon course to give a boost to the events. "There will be no success of the Tokyo Games without successful Paralympics Games."


