2022.06.16 18:54Nation

脱炭素、国民的議論を 産業転換、労働者の影響甚大―十倉経団連会長が内情で講演


2022.06.16 18:54Nation

Keidanren Chief Wants National Debate on Decarbonization

Masakazu Tokura, chairman of the Japan Business Federation, or Keidanren, on Thursday underlined the need to have national discussions on ways to share the costs to achieve a carbon-free society.
   Decarbonization efforts are "highly likely to generate additional public burdens, such as higher electricity costs," Tokura said in a speech at a meeting organized by the Research Institute of Japan, a Jiji Press affiliate.
   Such sectors as steel, auto and chemical that have nearly half of the 5.3 million manufacturing jobs are set to be forced to undergo structural reforms to realize a carbon-free society.
   "The impact on workers from the structural reforms will be huge," he said, calling on them to face what he said is an inconvenient truth.
   Tokura said that "new businesses that will play a major role in decarbonization efforts will emerge, creating new employment opportunities."


