2019.12.24 19:26Nation

公文書管理、修士レベルを 「アーキビスト」基本方針―国立公文書館


2019.12.24 19:26Nation

Outline Set for Japan's Archivist Certification System

The National Archives of Japan has compiled a basic outline for a public certification system for archivists, or experts who manage public records at the national institute and local government-run archives.
   The outline, drawn up on Tuesday, stipulates that archivist applicants must have master's degree-level research skills, three years or more of professional experience in principle, and the necessary knowledge and techniques. The certification system is slated to begin in fiscal 2020 from next April.
   The certification, to be issued by the president of the national archives after screenings of application documents, can be renewed every five years. There will be two certification categories--"certified archivist" for high-level experts and "associate archivist" for those with the basic knowledge and skills--for the time being.
   The outline was reported to Tuesday's meeting of the government's public records and archives management commission, comprising experts. "In the future, we hope to upgrade the certification to a national qualification," Takeo Kato, president of the national archives, said.
   The national archives aims to secure some 400 certified archivists and about 600 associate archivists by the completion of the new national archives building in fiscal 2026.


