2022.05.29 19:17Nation

100万人に能力開発支援 官民連携で課題解決―新しい資本主義原案


2022.05.29 19:17Nation

Kishida's "New Capitalism" Plan to Include Aid for 1 M. Workers

The Japanese government has drawn up a draft of the "grand design" and action plan of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's "new capitalism" initiative, including a plan to provide aid, such as skill development support and "recurrent education," to some one million workers including nonregular employees, it was learned Sunday.
   The draft calls for "new public-private collaboration" to address challenges such as widening inequalities and climate change and accelerate economic growth.
   The draft will be presented at a meeting of the Kishida-chaired Council of New Form of Capitalism Realization later this month, and is expected to gain cabinet approval next month.
   The draft highlights active government involvement to help resolve bottlenecks in reflecting the fruits of growth in employee pay and business investment.
   As four key investment fields, it lists "people," "science and technology," "startups" and "green and digital."


