2019.12.23 17:05Nation

小学校の競争率、過去最低タイ 教員採用、大量退職受け―文科省


2019.12.23 17:05Nation

Record-Low Competition to Teach at Japan Elementary Schools

One in every 2.8 applicants passed employment examinations for teachers at public elementary schools in Japan in fiscal 2018 to March this year, matching the record low, the education ministry said Monday.
   The ratio of successful to total applicants in the tests for hiring teachers starting to work in fiscal 2019 dropped from one in 3.2 the preceding year and returning to the level logged in the fiscal 1990 tests during the country's bubble economy era.
   The ministry believes that the most recent result mainly reflects the retirement of many teachers in the second baby boom generation, born between 1971 and 1974.
   The number of total applicants stood at 47,661 in the fiscal 2018 tests, greater than 46,156 in fiscal 1999, when the exam success ratio stood at one in 12.5, a record high. But in fiscal 2018, the number of successful applicants rose fivefold to 17,029 over the same period.
   By local government, Niigata Prefecture marked the lowest ratio at one in 1.2, followed by Fukuoka Prefecture at 1.3 and Saga Prefecture at 1.6.


