2019.12.23 16:03Nation

子どもの体力急落 小5男子は過去最低―スマホ視聴で運動減・スポーツ庁


2019.12.23 16:03Nation

Children's Physical Performance in Japan Deteriorates

The physical performance of children in Japan deteriorated dramatically in fiscal 2019 from the previous year, a survey by the Japan Sports Agency showed Monday.
   The overall performance score for boys in the fifth year of elementary school was the lowest since the survey started in fiscal 2008, and that for boys in the second year of junior high school was the worst in the past five years.
   The physical performance scores had been on an upward trend for girls and gradually improved for boys since the survey was launched.
   The agency pointed out that the latest results reflected a drop in time spent on exercise, excluding physical education at schools, growth in time for smartphones and rising obesity rates.
   Agency officials said they will promote steps to allow students to make exercise a habit and have more time to do physical activities.


