2019.12.23 10:36Nation

日米韓外相会談を検討 米西海岸で1月中旬




2019.12.23 10:36Nation

Pompeo Eyes Talks with Japan, S. Korea Foreign Ministers

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is arranging to hold a three-way meeting with Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi and South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha in mid-January, diplomatic sources said Sunday.
   Along with the trilateral meeting, Pompeo is looking at holding bilateral talks with Motegi on the West Coast, according to the sources.
   A meeting among the U.S., Japanese and South Korean foreign ministers was last held in August in Bangkok.
   In the envisaged meetings, participants are expected to discuss how to respond to rising tensions involving North Korea.
   Pyongyang has unilaterally set a year-end deadline for its denuclearization negotiations with Washington, seeking U.S. concessions.


