2022.04.25 22:39Nation

原因不明小児肝炎、国内疑い例 海外で相次ぎ報告―厚労省


2022.04.25 22:39Nation

Possible Case of Mysterious Child Hepatitis Found in Japan

Japan's health ministry Monday said that a child aged under 17 has been hospitalized as a possible case of acute child hepatitis of unknown origin, which has been reported abroad recently.
   According to the World Health Organization, at least 169 cases of the child hepatitis had been reported in 12 countries as of Thursday. The mystery liver inflammation has claimed the life of one person so far.
   Although adenovirus has been found in 74 cases, the cause of the child hepatitis is unknown.
   In response to the string of overseas cases, the health ministry Wednesday alerted local governments and asked for related data.
   Following the moves, the ministry received a report of a case falling under the category of a possible case of the mystery hepatitis defined by the WHO. The definition does not include hepatitis A to E.


