2022.03.30 16:17Nation

核燃料、34年度から仏へ搬出 もんじゅ廃炉作業―文科省


2022.03.30 16:17Nation

Monju's Spent Nuclear Fuel to Be Shipped to France from FY 2034

The Japan Atomic Energy Agency plans to ship spent nuclear fuel from the Monju prototype fast-breeder nuclear reactor, which is under decommissioning work, to France from fiscal 2034, a senior science ministry official revealed Wednesday.
   The plan was presented by Masato Masaki, head of the ministry's research and development bureau, during an online meeting with Hiroshi Sakuramoto, deputy governor of Fukui Prefecture, where Monju is located.
   The shipment process is expected to be completed in fiscal 2037.
   The final decision on the matter is expected after cost estimates by French nuclear fuel cycle company Orano SA. are examined.
   At the online meeting, the deputy governor appreciated the plan as "a further step forward" and called for speeding up talks among relevant bodies to conduct shipments in time.


