2022.03.29 07:04Nation

原爆と朝鮮戦争生き抜いて 「核兵器はあかん」―86歳男性に小学校修了証書・広島


2022.03.29 07:04Nation

Survivor of A-Bombing, Korean War Honored by Alma Mater

Tsunehiro Tomoda, who survived the 1945 U.S. atomic-bombing of the western Japan city of Hiroshima and the 1950-1953 Korean War, has been honored with a certificate from the elementary school he attended.
   "I say no to war. I say no to nuclear weapons," Tomoda, 86, said after receiving the certificate issued by Hiroshima City Fukuromachi Elementary School on Friday.
   Tomoda was a fourth grader at the school, then part of the wartime national primary education system, when Hiroshima was atom-bombed on Aug. 6, 1945. At the school, only some 460 meters away from ground zero, about 160 students and school staff members were killed. He and two others in the basement of the school building were the only children that survived the bombing.
   His younger brother was killed in the schoolyard and his mother went missing. Tomoda, who had lost his father to illness, became an orphan at the age of 9.
   After the end of World War II, he went to the Korean Peninsula with a man from the peninsula who was boarding at his home.


