2022.03.28 22:19Nation

G7、ルーブル建て払い拒否 ロシア産天然ガス代金―エネ相会合


2022.03.28 22:19Nation

G-7 Ministers Agree to Refuse Ruble Payment for Russian Gas

Energy ministers from the Group of Seven major industrialized nations agreed at an online meeting on Monday that their countries will refuse to pay in rubles for natural gas from Russia, as demanded by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
   Putin has indicated that Russian gas supplied to "unfriendly" nations, including Japan, the United States and European countries, will be required to be paid in rubles.
   At a press conference following the meeting, Robert Habeck, Germany's economy and climate protection minister, criticized the demand by Putin as one-sided and a clear breach of existing contracts.
   He called on companies importing natural gas from Russia not to settle purchases in rubles.
   Natural gas purchases from Russia are usually settled in dollars or euros.


