2022.03.17 07:12Nation

タンス下敷き「大震災並み」 家の中散乱、避難の車列―福島


2022.03.17 07:12Nation

Fukushima Man Felt Shaking as Strong as 2011 Quake

A man in Fukushima Prefecture who got trapped under a chest of drawers while sleeping when it fell due to a powerful earthquake Wednesday night recalled that the temblor was as intense as the March 2011 massive earthquake in northeastern Japan.
   "Everything inside my house got messed up (by Wednesday's earthquake). I have no idea how long it will take to clean up the mess," the man, Mitsuhiro Okazaki, 77, said after he evacuated to a shelter in the city of Soma in Fukushima with his wife.
   The quake, which struck around 11:36 p.m. Wednesday (2:36 p.m. GMT) with an estimated magnitude of 7.4, measured upper 6, the second-highest level on the Japanese seismic intensity scale, in the Fukushima cities of Soma and Minamisoma as well as the town of Kunimi in the same prefecture. In Soma, a total of 160 people stayed at two evacuation shelters at one point.
   "I was able to respond quickly thanks to practice," said Hirokuni Yoshioka, a 35-year-old Soma city government official who was taking drinking water and other supplies out of a storage at a shelter.
   Yoshioka rushed to the shelter without having the time to clean up scattered items at his home. "I'm worried about my wife and my child," he said.


