2022.03.16 22:45Nation

濃厚接触調査・出勤制限不要に 一般職場対象、感染拡大地域で―厚労省


2022.03.16 22:45Nation

Companies Seen No Longer Asked to Identify COVID-19 Close Contacts

The Japanese government is considering no longer asking companies to identify employees and others who have had close contacts with the novel coronavirus, it was learned Wednesday.
   The government also plans to stop urging companies to restrict such people from commuting to their workplaces.
   The possible moves are aimed at preventing an increase in the number of workers who are absent due to their close contacts with COVID-19 patients from making it difficult to maintain social functions.
   The health ministry will soon send notifications on the matter to local municipalities across the country.
   Until now, when companies find coronavirus cases at workplace, they, on behalf of public health centers, have identified close contacts and require them to quarantine for seven days in principle.


