2022.03.15 21:15Nation

G7、ロシアの原発攻撃「深く憂慮」 放射線の危険、国境越える


2022.03.15 21:15Nation

G-7 Concerned over Russian Attacks on Nuclear Facilities

The Group of Seven major powers Tuesday expressed concern over Russian attacks on nuclear facilities including power plants in Ukraine.
   In a statement, the G-7 Nonproliferation Directors Group said that the G-7 members are "profoundly concerned" by the attacks launched amid Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
   They are "mindful that the risk to civilians from damage to a nuclear site during armed conflict has the potential to increase dramatically and that the radiological risk to civilians and the environment from a nuclear accident" crosses country borders.
   The G-7 members welcomed a proposal by Rafael Grossi, director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, for an agreement between Moscow and Kyiv for a framework on ensuring the safety of nuclear installations.
   They called for ensuring the physical integrity of the nuclear facilities such as reactors and fuel pools, making sure that operating staff can work in appropriate rotation and make security-related decisions free of undue pressure, and securing off-site power supply.


