2022.03.13 19:18Nation

北村春江氏死去 全国初の女性市長

 北村 春江氏(きたむら・はるえ=元兵庫県芦屋市長、全国初の女性市長)13日午前9時44分、誤嚥(ごえん)性肺炎のため同県西宮市の病院で死去、93歳。京都市出身。葬儀は16日午前11時30分から芦屋市春日町1の3の芦屋マイトリーホールで。喪主は長男篤(あつし)氏。

2022.03.13 19:18Nation

Japan's 1st Female Mayor Dies at 93

Harue Kitamura, former mayor of the city of Ashiya, Hyogo Prefecture, and the first woman to serve as mayor of a Japanese city, died of aspiration pneumonia at a hospital in Hyogo on Sunday. She was 93.
   Kitamura was a native of the western city of Kyoto.
   After graduating from Ritsumeikan University, she worked as a lawyer and served as head of the education board of Ashiya.
   In 1991, Kitamura was elected Ashiya mayor. She served in the post for three terms, or 12 years, during which Hyogo was hit hard by the 1995 Great Hanshin Earthquake.
   Kitamura spearheaded reconstruction efforts while she herself suffered damage from the disaster.


