2022.03.04 08:44Nation

虐待一時保護に司法審査 児童福祉法改正案を決定―政府


2022.03.04 08:44Nation

Bill Proposes Judges' Role in Protection of Abused Children

The Japanese government on Friday adopted a bill that proposes examinations by judges be part of procedures to temporarily separate abused children from their parents for protection.
   According to the bill to revise the Child Welfare Act, judges will examine requests for approval to protect children filed by child consultation centers within seven days of the start of protection. Requests can be filed in advance, it said.
   An examination by a judge would be skipped if there is parental consent. If requests are turned down, protection would have to be terminated.
   The involvement of judges is aimed at securing transparency in protection procedures and preventing problems between child consultation centers and parents.
   To defend children' rights, the bill requires child consultation centers to listen to children's opinions when they provide protection or place children in facilities for protection.


