2019.12.12 19:04Nation

女子トイレ使用制限は違法 性同一性障害の経産省職員勝訴―国に賠償命令・東京地裁

 経産省の話 国の主張が認められなかった。控訴するかは判決を精査し、関係省庁と相談の上、対応する。(2019/12/12-19:04)

2019.12.12 19:04Nation

Trans Woman Wins Lawsuit against Govt over Bathroom Restriction

Tokyo District Court ordered the Japanese government Thursday to pay 1.32 million yen in damages to a transgender woman working at the trade ministry for restricting her use of the women's bathroom in the ministry.
   Also ordering the ministry to allow her to freely use the bathroom, Presiding Judge Kenji Ebara said, "The restriction is illegal because it constrains people's interest of living social lives in accordance with their self-identified genders."
   In the lawsuit, the trans woman in her 50s sought 16.5-million-yen compensation for psychological pain caused by the bathroom restriction and improvements in work conditions.
   Her lawyers said the ruling is the first in Japan regarding improvements in work environments for sexual and gender minorities.
   The plaintiff entered the ministry as a man and was later diagnosed with gender identity disorder. She gained approval to work as a woman in 2010, but could not change her gender on the family registry as she was physically incapable of undergoing sex reassignment surgery.


