2019.12.12 19:39Nation

国民民主、立憲と合流協議入り決定 党内に懸念も


2019.12.12 19:39Nation

DPFP Decides to Enter Merger Talks with CDPJ

The Democratic Party for the People decided at an executive meeting on Thursday to enter merger talks with the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan.
   The DPFP, the second-largest Japanese opposition party, decided to entrust party chief Yuichiro Tamaki and Secretary-General Hirofumi Hirano with the handling of the merger issue.
   Participants at the meeting also agreed to ask the CDPJ, the largest opposition party, to engage in discussions with the DPFP on an equal footing on setting the name of the merged party and deciding appointments of key party posts.
   Later in the day, the DPFP held a meeting of its lawmakers in both chambers of the Diet, the country's parliament, attended by 38 members. Some of them called for a merger by the end of the year.
   But others, especially from the House of Councillors, the upper chamber, were cautious, with one member saying, "A merger on an equal footing would be impossible." Another said, "Conservative voters will leave us, and it'll be harder to win power."


