2022.02.22 17:05Nation

日本芸術院、新会員につげ義春さんら9人 新分野「マンガ」から2人


2022.02.22 17:05Nation

Manga Artists to Join Japan Art Academy for 1st Time

Manga artists are set to become members of the Japan Art Academy for the first time, the honorary institution for artists said Tuesday.
   Cartoonists Yoshiharu Tsuge, 84, and Tetsuya Chiba, 83, are among the nine people chosen to become new members of the academy this time. The other seven include author Hiroyuki Itsuki, 89, and conductor Seiji Ozawa, 86.
   Following the addition of the nine, set to take effect March 1, the academy will have 103 members.
   From this time, the fields of manga and photographic and visual arts have joined the list of areas from which new candidates for the academy are chosen.
   In addition, outside experts picked by the Cultural Affairs Agency participated in the candidate selection process. They were added in response to complaints that the process was closed.


