2022.02.21 11:50Nation

G7首脳会合、日本も参加 ウクライナ「緊迫高まる」―松野官房長官


2022.02.21 11:50Nation

Kishida to Participate in Upcoming Online G-7 Summit

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida will participate in an online summit meeting of the Group of Seven major countries on Thursday, Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno said Monday.
   The G-7 leaders are expected to discuss the Ukrainian situation and confirm their solidarity over the matter.
   "It's extremely important that the G-7 (nations) are united and lead the international community," Matsuno told a press conference, adding that Japan "will actively contribute to the discussion."
   "Various diplomatic efforts are ongoing, but tensions are increasing in eastern Ukraine," the top Japanese government spokesman also said.
   With some 120 Japanese nationals in Ukraine as of Saturday, Matsuno revealed that the Japanese government has secured charter flights in neighboring countries for their possible evacuation.


