2022.02.18 19:46Nation

安全性検証、4月に結果公表 東電福島第1原発の処理水放出で―IAEA


2022.02.18 19:46Nation

IAEA Ends Survey on Fukushima N-Plant Water Release

An International Atomic Energy Agency team completed on Friday its investigation into the safety of the planned release into the sea of treated water containing radioactive tritium from the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.
   The task force plans to release the results of its investigation as early as April.
   According to the Japanese industry ministry, the IAEA will continue to examine the safety and compile a report summarizing the results of its investigation before the planned start of the treated water release in spring next year.
   "This is a significant step forward in the task force's work aimed at assessing their adherence to the IAEA safety standards which contribute to high levels of safety worldwide," Lydie Evrard, IAEA deputy director-general and nuclear safety head, told a virtual press conference.
   The team began its investigation Monday, conducting interviews with officials of relevant Japanese ministries and agencies as well as Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. , the operator of the plant, which suffered a triple reactor meltdown after being rocked by a 9.0-magnitude earthquake and hit by a huge tsunami in March 2011.


