2022.02.15 16:58Nation

市長が再稼働同意 島根原発2号機、住民投票案は否決―松江


2022.02.15 16:58Nation

Matsue Mayor OKs Restart of Nuclear Reactor

Matsue Mayor Akihito Uesada on Tuesday indicated his consent to the restart of an idled nuclear reactor in the capital of Shimane Prefecture, western Japan.
   Attention has now shifted to whether the Shimane prefectural assembly and the Shimane governor will approve the restart of the No. 2 reactor at the Shimane nuclear power station owned by Chugoku Electric Power Co. .
   "We've so far carefully considered the matter while focusing on safety, necessity, evacuation measures and the impact on the regional economy," Uesada told a city assembly meeting on the day.
   As reasons for his decision, the mayor cited approval of a petition for an early restart of the nuclear reactor at a city assembly meeting in November last year and support for the restart by many assembly factions at the day's meeting.
   Meanwhile, Uesada urged Chugoku Electric to improve the safety of the reactor.


