2022.02.14 16:36Nation

保育所コロナ休園、今年初の減少 741カ所に―厚労省


2022.02.14 16:36Nation

Nursery School Closures in Japan Fall for 1st Time This Year

A total of 741 nursey schools and certified child care facilities in 43 of Japan's 47 prefectures were closed as of Thursday due to the coronavirus pandemic, health ministry officials said Monday.
   The closure total fell from 777 on Feb. 3, down for the first time this year. The Feb. 3 figure hit a record high for the third consecutive week.
   The number of closures stood at seven on Jan. 6 but then began to grow rapidly as Japan was hit by yet another wave of coronavirus cases in line with the spread of the omicron variant.
   Despite the latest result, a ministry official said, "We haven't seen a significant decrease. We will continue to watch the situation closely."
   The ministry did not release the number of closures in each of the 43 prefectures. The other four prefectures, which saw no facilities closed due to the pandemic, were Iwate, Aichi, Kochi and Miyazaki.


