2022.02.04 15:50Nation

玉城沖縄知事、再選出馬へ 自民、佐喜真氏軸に調整


2022.02.04 15:50Nation

Tamaki to Seek Re-Election as Okinawa Governor

Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki will seek re-election in the southernmost prefecture's gubernatorial election expected to be held in September, it was learned Friday.
   Tamaki, 62, plans to announce his bid for a second term during the prefectural assembly session that will open on Feb. 15, informed sources said.
   Tamaki, elected governor in September 2018, is opposed to the central government's plan to relocate the U.S. Marine Corps' Futenma air station from the Okinawa city of Ginowan to the Henoko coastal district in Nago, another city in Okinawa. He wants the base to be moved out of the prefecture.
   Meanwhile, the Liberal Democratic Party's Okinawa prefectural chapter is making arrangements to pick former Ginowan Mayor Atsushi Sakima, 57, as its candidate. He contested the previous election with backing mainly from the LDP and Komeito but lost to Tamaki.
   Sakima, who takes a cooperative stance toward the central government on the base issue, is expected to get support from the administration of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, with the base relocation again likely to be one of key election issues.


