2022.02.01 10:43Nation

佐渡金山、世界遺産推薦を決定 登録実現へタスクフォース―政府


2022.02.01 10:43Nation

Japan to Push Sado Gold Mine for UNESCO Heritage Listing

The Japanese government formally decided Tuesday to recommend the Sado gold mine site in the central prefecture of Niigata for UNESCO World Cultural Heritage listing.
   The government will aim for the addition of the Sado Island site to the heritage list in 2023, officials said. Tuesday is the deadline for submitting recommendations to the U.N. agency this time.
   The cabinet decision comes amid strong opposition to the site's listing from South Korea, which claims that people from the Korean Peninsula were forced to work there during World War II.
   The Japanese government will set up a task force to promote efforts to win international understanding of the historical significance of the site.
   The task force, to be headed by Shigeki Takizaki, assistant chief cabinet secretary, will comprise officials from multiple agencies, including the Foreign Ministry and the Agency for Cultural Affairs.


