2022.01.28 21:37Nation

佐渡金山推薦中止を要求 登録阻止に全力―韓国外務省


2022.01.28 21:37Nation

S. Korea Protests Japan's Sado Mine World Heritage Push

The South Korean government Friday protested Japan's plan to recommend the Sado gold mine site in Niigata Prefecture for UNESCO World Cultural Heritage listing.
   Seoul "strongly regrets" the plan and "sternly urges Japan to stop its attempt," the South Korean Foreign Ministry said in a statement. The plan was announced by Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Friday.
   Second vice foreign minister Choi Jong-moon summoned Japanese Ambassador to South Korea Koichi Aiboshi to lodge a protest.
   Seoul is expected to wage a campaign against Japan's pursuit of World Cultural Heritage registration of the Sado site.
   The fresh dispute adds fuel to the deterioration in the two Asian countries' relations that mainly reflects history issues including over wartime labor.


